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Lady Sheikha


Lady Sheikha is composed of many things all of them unique enough to combine into one spark, my spark.

She has been called many things, some of which are:

Eclectic Witch; a Witch who works with Deities from or Worships within more than one Culture or Mythological system

Pagan; her true Mother Earth calling

Fire & Fierce; German blood that flows within

Hedgewitch; a Walker between worlds, a non-Wiccan Witch with
a Shamanistic Path

Kitchen Witch; a Witch who uses mainly practical magic, centering on the home, hearth and family

Empathic One; Sensor of all emotions that surround

Mischevious & Strange; you will never know what she may be up to at any given time

Ghost Hunter; a dweller in the Paranormal

Yeti follower; At age 60, she most certainly will be found trekking the wilderness unknown for the beast that lives

Walk-In; Got lost somewhere in the Cosmos

For those of you mildly curious;
Lady Sheika: Egyptian word for "Magikal Adept"

You are free to enter her circle of this vast Cyber world and if you take just one piece of information with you she will have accomplished a great deed;

May the light always be in your
~ߣ駧éð ßé~
~^~Lady Sheikha~^~

May the good Lord guide us,
may the Goddess dance beside us~
Sinead O'Connor

Lady Sheikha

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